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Resource StructureDefinition/FHIR Server from package de.gematik.erezept-workflow.r4#1.4.2 (94 ms)

Package de.gematik.erezept-workflow.r4
Type StructureDefinition
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=de.gematik.erezept-workflow.r4@1.4.2&canonical=https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_Task
Url https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_Task
Version 1.4
Status active
Date 2024-07-15
Name GEM_ERP_PR_Task
Title Task for Management of ePrescription Workflow
Experimental False
Description This resource manages the ePrescription workflow
Type Task
Kind resource

Resources that use this resource

https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_BfArMApproval BfArM Approval of admissibility for doctor s prescription of narcotics
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_Bundle_OP_Accept GEM_ERP_PR_Bundle_OP_Accept
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_Communication_DispReq Request for Dispense of ePrescription
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_Communication_InfoReq Informative request from Patient to Provider
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_Communication_Reply Reply from Provider to Patient
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_Communication_Representative Communication between Patient and Representative
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_PAR_ActivateOperation_Output GEM ERP PR ActivateOperation Output
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_PAR_CreateOperation_Output GEM ERP PR CreateOperation Output

Resources that this resource uses

https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_ERP_Bundle KBV_PR_ERP_Bundle
http://fhir.de/StructureDefinition/identifier-kvid-10 Identifier-Profil für die 10-stellige Krankenversichertennummer
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_EX_AcceptDate Date of confirmation of the prescription
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_EX_ExpiryDate Presciption expiry date
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_EX_LastMedicationDispense Last Medication Dispense
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_EX_PrescriptionType GEM_ERP_EX_PrescriptionType
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_Binary PKCS7 signed Bundle envelopig style
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_Bundle Document Bundle for Receipt
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_PrescriptionId Identifier Profile for Prescription IDs
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/CodeSystem/GEM_ERP_VS_DocumentType ValueSet of Documenttype Codes
https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/ValueSet/GEM_ERP_VS_OrganizationType ValueSet of Organizationtype Codes


  "resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
  "id" : "GEM-ERP-PR-Task",
  "url" : "https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_Task",
  "version" : "1.4",
  "name" : "GEM_ERP_PR_Task",
  "title" : "Task for Management of ePrescription Workflow",
  "status" : "active",
  "date" : "2024-07-15",
  "description" : "This resource manages the ePrescription workflow",
  "fhirVersion" : "4.0.1",
  "kind" : "resource",
  "abstract" : false,
  "type" : "Task",
  "baseDefinition" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Task",
  "derivation" : "constraint",
  "differential" : {
    "element" : [
        "id" : "Task.meta",
        "path" : "Task.meta",
        "min" : 1
        "id" : "Task.meta.profile",
        "path" : "Task.meta.profile",
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : "1",
        "fixedCanonical" : "https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/StructureDefinition/GEM_ERP_PR_Task|1.4"
        "id" : "Task.extension",
        "path" : "Task.extension",
        "slicing" : {
          "discriminator" : [
              "type" : "value",
              "path" : "url"
          "description" : "Extensions are always sliced by (at least) url",
          "rules" : "closed"
        "min" : 1
        "id" : "Task.extension:flowType",
        "path" : "Task.extension",
        "sliceName" : "flowType",
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : "1",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Extension",
            "profile" : [
        "id" : "Task.extension:acceptDate",
        "path" : "Task.extension",
        "sliceName" : "acceptDate",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Extension",
            "profile" : [
        "id" : "Task.extension:expiryDate",
        "path" : "Task.extension",
        "sliceName" : "expiryDate",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Extension",
            "profile" : [
        "id" : "Task.extension:lastMedicationDispense",
        "path" : "Task.extension",
        "sliceName" : "lastMedicationDispense",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Extension",
            "profile" : [
        "id" : "Task.identifier",
        "path" : "Task.identifier",
        "slicing" : {
          "discriminator" : [
              "type" : "value",
              "path" : "system"
          "description" : "The task ressource contains three identifier. The first one is the identifier for the ask representing one e-prescription. The other identifier are representing the patient as owner of the prescription. One is the \"Krankenversichertennummer\" which identify each patient by his health insurance company and the other is \"Institutionskennzeichen\".",
          "rules" : "closed"
        "min" : 1
        "id" : "Task.identifier:PrescriptionID",
        "path" : "Task.identifier",
        "sliceName" : "PrescriptionID",
        "short" : "Prescription Identifier",
        "definition" : "The prescription identifier is the main identifier for the task ressource and the whole prescription workflow. This identifier is genereted by the \"E-Rezept Fachdienst\" and should not be changed manually.",
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : "1",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Identifier",
            "profile" : [
        "id" : "Task.identifier:AccessCode",
        "path" : "Task.identifier",
        "sliceName" : "AccessCode",
        "short" : "AccessCode Identifier",
        "definition" : "Generated by the \"E-Rezept Fachdienst\". This identifier is transported in every task request.",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1"
        "id" : "Task.identifier:AccessCode.system",
        "path" : "Task.identifier.system",
        "min" : 1,
        "fixedUri" : "https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/NamingSystem/GEM_ERP_NS_AccessCode"
        "id" : "Task.identifier:AccessCode.value",
        "path" : "Task.identifier.value",
        "min" : 1
        "id" : "Task.identifier:Secret",
        "path" : "Task.identifier",
        "sliceName" : "Secret",
        "short" : "Secret",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1"
        "id" : "Task.identifier:Secret.system",
        "path" : "Task.identifier.system",
        "min" : 1,
        "fixedUri" : "https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/NamingSystem/GEM_ERP_NS_Secret"
        "id" : "Task.identifier:Secret.value",
        "path" : "Task.identifier.value",
        "min" : 1
        "id" : "Task.intent",
        "path" : "Task.intent",
        "fixedCode" : "order"
        "id" : "Task.for",
        "path" : "Task.for",
        "short" : "Identifier of Patient (KVID or PKV-Identifier)"
        "id" : "Task.for.identifier",
        "path" : "Task.for.identifier",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Identifier",
            "profile" : [
        "id" : "Task.performerType.coding",
        "path" : "Task.performerType.coding",
        "min" : 1,
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "required",
          "valueSet" : "https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/ValueSet/GEM_ERP_VS_OrganizationType"
        "id" : "Task.input",
        "path" : "Task.input",
        "slicing" : {
          "discriminator" : [
              "type" : "value",
              "path" : "type.coding.code"
          "rules" : "closed"
        "short" : "Input Bundle",
        "definition" : "Reference to ePrescription input and outcome during the process",
        "max" : "2",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Task.input:ePrescription",
        "path" : "Task.input",
        "sliceName" : "ePrescription",
        "short" : "QES-Binary of the ePrescription",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1"
        "id" : "Task.input:ePrescription.type.coding",
        "path" : "Task.input.type.coding",
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "required",
          "valueSet" : "https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/CodeSystem/GEM_ERP_VS_DocumentType"
        "id" : "Task.input:ePrescription.type.coding.system",
        "path" : "Task.input.type.coding.system",
        "min" : 1
        "id" : "Task.input:ePrescription.type.coding.code",
        "path" : "Task.input.type.coding.code",
        "min" : 1,
        "fixedCode" : "1"
        "id" : "Task.input:ePrescription.value[x]",
        "path" : "Task.input.value[x]",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "id" : "Task.input:ePrescription.value[x].reference",
        "path" : "Task.input.value[x].reference",
        "min" : 1
        "id" : "Task.input:patientReceipt",
        "path" : "Task.input",
        "sliceName" : "patientReceipt",
        "short" : "JSON Bundle of the ePrescription to be consumed by the E-Rezept-FdV",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1"
        "id" : "Task.input:patientReceipt.type.coding",
        "path" : "Task.input.type.coding",
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "required",
          "valueSet" : "https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/CodeSystem/GEM_ERP_VS_DocumentType"
        "id" : "Task.input:patientReceipt.type.coding.system",
        "path" : "Task.input.type.coding.system",
        "min" : 1
        "id" : "Task.input:patientReceipt.type.coding.code",
        "path" : "Task.input.type.coding.code",
        "min" : 1,
        "fixedCode" : "2"
        "id" : "Task.input:patientReceipt.value[x]",
        "path" : "Task.input.value[x]",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "id" : "Task.output",
        "path" : "Task.output",
        "slicing" : {
          "discriminator" : [
              "type" : "value",
              "path" : "type.coding.code"
          "rules" : "closed"
        "short" : "Output Bundle",
        "definition" : "Reference to the Bundle which represent the receipt.",
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Task.output:receipt",
        "path" : "Task.output",
        "sliceName" : "receipt",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1"
        "id" : "Task.output:receipt.type.coding",
        "path" : "Task.output.type.coding",
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "required",
          "valueSet" : "https://gematik.de/fhir/erp/CodeSystem/GEM_ERP_VS_DocumentType"
        "id" : "Task.output:receipt.type.coding.system",
        "path" : "Task.output.type.coding.system",
        "min" : 1
        "id" : "Task.output:receipt.type.coding.code",
        "path" : "Task.output.type.coding.code",
        "min" : 1,
        "fixedCode" : "3"
        "id" : "Task.output:receipt.value[x]",
        "path" : "Task.output.value[x]",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
  "text" : {

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.